Develop Your Firm’s Greatest Assets: Your People, And Your Finances
People and financial performance are an organisation’s most important assets.
ODC’s PMC certified consultants develop comprehensive solutions and capabilities for your firm — one that focuses on developing a positive culture at your workplace that empowers financial performance and personal growth.
From developing new capabilities to handle the VUCA world, to creating innovative solutions so that your organisation is better equipped for the future, ODC’s management consultants guide you further.
Management Consultancy Services
Develop Your People, Develop Your Future
From understanding perceptions of your workplace through an Organisational Climate Survey, to creating a Learning and Development Roadmap based on learning needs analysis — all the way to customising a relevant Executive Coaching programme to accelerate your learning progress, we help you steer your culture effectively for greater, more effective change.
Strategies - From Numbers To Insights
Successful business plans begin with sound financial management systems, financial architecture, and a sound plan to execute a vision. ODC’s consultants provide keen insight and advice on the optimal financial projections, financial performance and cash management to support your strategic objectives, plan for growth, and keep your business on track to success.
Boost Your Leaders’ Potential With An Award-Winning, Regionally Accredited Training Partner
ODC is an Approved Training Organisations (ATO) for the Leadership & People Management (LPM WSQ) frameworks which provides leadership training into specific contexts, such as Managing Performance, Facilitating Innovation, Self Mastery and Awareness, Leading with Vision etc.
ODC's proposed programme includes our unique robust assessment methods that are conducted by ODC's certified Enterprise Coaches who are ACTA certified to support assessment and also coaching.
Unlock Peak Performance With Training At The Forefront Of The Industry
Your team deserves to be trained by the best in the training industry.
Recognised by CIO Advisor APAC as one of the Top Leadership Development Training/Coaching Companies in 2020, ODC brings together seasoned regional leaders and trainers to elevate your team’s capabilities across leadership development and management skills disciplines.
Headquartered in Singapore, ODC provides tailored workshops focused on delivering meaningful learning experience, anchored by quality trainers and sound adult learning principles that are trusted by global MNCs.

Accentuate Your Leaders’ Potential Now
Ready to equip your leaders with the right tools, knowledge and skills they need to lead your organisation forward in a VUCA world right now?
Click the button below to learn more about our online training courses, our trainers, and more.